8 Reasons Your Dog is The Pawfect Valentine

Your pup is pretty much your sweetheart. Here's why they make a great valentine!

1.) They're always excited to see you, even if you don't bring them gifts.

gif of german shepherd running to dog dad


2.) They're extremely grateful.

3.) They give the best cuddles.


gif of woman snuggling with golden retriever under blanket


4.) They make for a dapper date. 

puppy with bowtie holding rose in its mouth


 5.) They're up for going anywhere as long as it's with you.


6.) They don't care what you wear.

woman in PJ pants holding mug with a dog in her lap

7.) They're fine with staying in for a relaxing night at home. 


pug wearing bathrobe and holding coffee mug and TV remote


8.) They're there to help clean up the mess afterward.  


gif of german shepherd loading a dish into a dishwasher

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