Heroic Dog Saved 12 People From Mexico's Earthquake


After Mexico City, Mexico experienced a whopping 7.1-magnitude earthquake on Tuesday, members of the military and others have been working together to rescue as many people as they can. Tragically, 200 people have been killed so far, but many others are being rescued by heroes who seek out survivors in the rubble. 


One such hero is a dog named Frida. The brave Labrador is apart of the Mexican Navy's Canine Unit (SEMAR) and has been trained to seek out survivors in the rubble. Frida has saved 52 people from disasters in her lifetime, including 12 people from Mexico's Earthquake from 2 weeks ago in Oaxaca


Now this week, Frida is busy seeking out survivors from the deadliest earthquake Mexico has experienced since 1985. Frida and her fellow canine heroes wear goggles to protect their eyes from smoke and shoes, which allow them to walk on the dangerous surfaces without getting harmed. 



Even Mexico's President has praised Frida's heroic actions that have saved 52 lives from various natural disasters at national and international levels. Frida is most definitely a good girl! 


Written By: Linda

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Katelyn Buck

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