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Marlie's Corner with Emma Lock from Emzotic

On this episode of Marlie’s Corner, we chat with Emma Lock from the popular YouTube channel, Emzotic and Instagram @emzoticoffical.

Emma has a passion for animals, especially exotic species, and is an animal educator and former zookeeper. Emma grew up in Hong Kong surrounded by an array of wildlife which sparked her interest at a young age. 


During our chat, Emma introduced us to several of her own animal babies including her Eurasier pup Kiba, two ferrets named Niffler and Dobby, a Grey Banded Kingsnake named Zombie, a Royal Python named Kaa, a Madasgascan Hissing Cockroach, a (camera shy) Tokay Gecko, and her roommate’s two Samoyed sisters named Meeko and Tinkerbelle. 


Check out CEO David Gimes and his pup Marlie chat with Emma and all of her exotic friends in the Marlie's Corner episode “A Chat with Emma Lock from Emzotic."



Be sure to tune in weekly on Fridays at 12pm ET on Instagram @PawOriginal to watch, ask questions, and win some PAW-some prizes! If you’d like to be featured in one of our upcoming episodes, send us a DM on Instagram!


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Samantha Thompson

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Marlie's Corner, Episode 9: Emma Lock from Emzotic |