Scared Dog Who Ran Off After Car Accident Reunites With Owner

Sirena Cartmell was driving with her dogs in the car one Friday morning when she got into a car accident. Her and her canines were 15 minutes from their destination–the Gadsden Animal Clinic, where Cartmell works–when a car suddenly pulled out in front of them, causing a collision.
Cartmell had planned to drop off her dogs to the clinic to board them for the weekend while she and her fiancé had plans to take a weekend trip to see a spring football game.
The car accident scared her dogs quite a bit and when she opened her car door, one of her dogs, Ness, jumped out in a panic and ran away.
"As soon as it happened I opened the door once we'd stopped, and Ness jumped out," Cartmell told The Dodo. "I immediately jumped out running after her."
A bystander who witnessed the crash tried to help and run after Ness, as well, but unfortunately Ness reached out of sight. Over the next days, Cartmell and her friends, family and even local strangers helped search for Ness.
Cartmell had Ness for nine years since the dog was only 6 weeks old. The dog was brought to the clinic Cartmell works at when the pup's owner passed away from a car accident.
After days that felt like months, a dispatcher called Cartmell to alert her that her precious furry friend of nine years had been found after a person who spotted Ness outside alerted the police to the dog's whereabouts. Cartmell rushed down to the police station, and was finally reunited with her beloved Ness once again–wrapped in a blanket bundle and happy to see her owner. The dog is doing well now and we are sure her and her family are happy and relieved to have her back home!
Written By: Tessa
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